Monday, March 28, 2016

Can Russia Get Rid Of Racism Before 2018?

Blog numero cinqo, my final one before I take a short break for the mid-semester. This one's gonna be big in my opinion. I'm trying to focus on the future in this post instead of the past or present, so I can show you guys what's to come in the coming years for the beautiful world of futbol.  

Many people might not know but Russia is also a big hot spot for racism in the soccer society. It is full of racist communities. Last April after a game in Moscow, fans started cheering for their team while at the same time waving a Nazi flag around. The Torpedo Moscow (A soccer club in Russia) has been fined 29 000$ for racism and crowd violence. They were forced to play 5 home games without one fan because of the trouble they cause and were also forced to play 3 home games with certain parts of the stands removed for player safety reasons.

Russia better change their ways quick because in 2018 they will be the hosts of the 2018 World Cup. If an incident happens to the players during this world renowned event, Russia can suffer great consequences in the soccer world. They might never be able to host another major sporting event again. They might even be ineligible to participate in these events just so that the fans can learn their lessons.

In my opinion Russia can get the change in before the World Cup. They have already started by hiring a new anti-racism monitor. This will be a team of supervisors that have the task to watch more "dangerous" matches and keep the fans in their place. To me this a great idea for keeping the peace and leaving Russia with a good image.

The FIFA World Cup is only here to bring the world together so we can all watch the sport we love. If a few fans were to ruin that, it could ruin soccer for millions of people.

Russia Article      


  1. Woah half way done your blog already, good job Serge. I really like your topic especially because the sport of soccer plays a big influential role in my life and I think everybody should be able to play and enjoy the amazing sport without being judge. Good luck with the next half of your blog.

    1. Hey Allison,:) thanks for keeping up with my blog so far, it means so much to me. Many more to come for sure. I agree with you 100%, soccer is too good of a sport for the players to be treated like that. Thank you again for the comment and hope your blog goes well also.

  2. Hello serge I do like the way you have brought this blog to thinking in the future and not just the past situations that have happened but do you think eventually people will go way over board? by that I mean do you think it will cause problems more than just angry people or minor fights ? anyways thank you for the read I look forward to more !

  3. hey Brian whats up yo. thanks for the comment it means a lot. Makes me feel like i have fans. which makes me happy. Yes i do agree they have taken it too far these days. It`s gotta stop man if we want this sport to go on for a long time.
