Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mario Balotelli Story

Hey guys, welcome back to blog post number three so far. I don't know about you guys but I'm having such a fun time with these blogs, it makes school work so much more fun than just sitting and answering questions from a book. 

So back to racism in soccer, I have a story for you guys about one man that is one of the best footballers in the world but also one of the most affected by racism. Mario Balotelli.

So Mario is a man of black race that plays in Italy and also for their national team. Obviously when you have a player like Mario, who is black and is having great success in his career, people are going to try and break him. So while playing in Italy, he was always treated wrongly. Fans from opposing teams would boo him and call him names from the stands. Mario couldn't take the hatred much longer, he was even considering on quitting soccer, which would have been a huge loss for the world of soccer since he was such an amazing player. After long thinking he finally decided that he wanted to be traded and went to play with Manchester City FC in England then went on to play in Liverpool. Was it a coincidence that the best soccer he's played was when he was in England? I don't think it's a coincidence, he just has so much more stress relieved from him and can concentrate on his own game.

 Just to put my opinion into this, we can't have problems like racism that in this day should already be gone from the world since we are so "civilized" take away players. Let's not think about soccer for a second, think about let's say hockey, P.K Subban for example. Almost everyday I hear at least 1 comment saying that he shouldn't be playing hockey just because he's black and that he should stick to basket-ball or some other racial stereotype like that. These things are not alright. he is an amazing athlete who is excelling in his sport and I just think people are jealous of what he has instead of working to be able to succeed like he did. Same goes for Mario's case.  


  1. Hey serge, your blog post is very interesting and very well done, I like how you made links with other sport racism, I can rely to Mario’s situation because I’ve been in a similar situation, during summer 2014, some people had nothing but talking trash about a girl wearing a Hijab and playing soccer, I’m not saying that I’m the best player in anyway but I’ve marked some pretty good goals and won some awards for my dedication and goal assistance, I think that your posts might help those who think a sport is for a certain race and that race only to open up that belief. Good luck with your upcoming posts. Thank you

  2. Hey serge I really like where you have gone with this blog I really do like that you have brought this blog to bringing up problems not only in sports but also with the society I do find that we as a society do make racist remarks and do not only cut down people of other race but also could be taken the other way with females but anyways I do really like your blog thanks !

  3. Hey brian, I love you and miss you. Thank you for liking my blog so much;). Racism can be found anywhere these days and it`s a terrible thing. No one should be discriminated, especially these days. Thank you again though, it means a lot to me and makes me happy when i do these blogs.

  4. Hey Brian What's up my man? Thank you for taking your time to read my blog and especially the comments, gotta love those!! Yeah I found that it was a really important subject to talk about and that should be brought up more often. We have to talk it out to end it all. So Brian thank you again for the read and the comment keep it up :)
