Monday, February 15, 2016

Racism In Soccer

Racism In Soccer

Soccer is the sport that brings the whole world together. It brings us so many different types of emotions, happiness, sadness, it can make a good day go bad or a bad day go good. Fans all around the world are so passionate for this amazing sport. Are some fans a little too passionate the they have to bring negative comments about other races into it?

Soccer is a game full of passion but sometimes many fans or even players take it too far. One of many examples of racism is the story of Dani Alves, a player for FC Barcelona, whenever Dani would have possession of the ball all the fans would "Boo". When Alves would set up the ball for a set play, free kick, corner kick, fans would throw bananas onto the field. There were many ways Alves and his teammates responded to this. Dani himself would pick up the bananas and eat them. Neymar Jr, his teammate, started many trends on social medias to fight against. One example is he took a picture of himself and his son eating bananas and posted it for the world to see.                  Dani Alves Story

In my opinion, racism has no place in the beautiful sport of soccer. This sport is here to bring the world together and entertain us. There are many players that are considering on quitting the sport because the area or league they play in is too racist or dangerous. If we want to keep our game alive and so multicultural we have to end the racism. 

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." -Nelson Mandela     Nelson Quote

I have seen this quote so many times and it might be one of my favorites. No one is born racist,they are always taught to be racist. If we taught someone to be racist they can also be taught to love everyone no matter the skin color. 


  1. SERGE! THANK YOU FOR POSTING! I find the Dani Alves story really interesting! Are your blog posts going to be about certain cases, like Alves's? I appreciate what they had done on social media to try and fight back, will you be looking at that as well? Even if it's mean, I'm really into good Twitter beef. I look forward to reading your blog and see what you have to say!

  2. Hi Serge great post I love how it started but do you think people whom have grown up thinking racist will change their ways? Soccer is a wonderful sport I do believe racism in the sport should not exist thank you for the informative post I look forward to reading the rest.

  3. Serge, if this racism in soccer keeps going, do you think that the sport itself can come to a complete stop. And I'm not talking about the normal people stopping, I'm talking about the all stars and Fifa. Also, do you think that if it ends, will it ever come back. Lastly, do you play soccer and do you think that one day you will make it to the all star level and perhaps be part of the group that comes back to soccer.

  4. Camelia, thank you for your amazingly long comment;). Yes my blog will have many certain cases such as the examples of racism towards Mario Balotelli and other all star footballers. I also really like the way that they fought against it on social media, it's non violence and gets the word out to everyone. Again thank you for reading my blog and commenting.

  5. Hey Brian thank you for commenting on and reading my blog it means alot. I do believe that racism is something that is taught not something you are born with, so if you learned how to do it you can also lean to stop since it is not right. I do agree, soccer is the best sport out there and hopefully this racism does end soon. Thank you again :)

  6. Hey Rifaat, thank you for commenting on and reading my blog:). I don't think the sport will end just because of the passion all players have for it. If it ever does stop I am sure that it will come back. Yes I do play soccer, it is my dream to one day play at an all star level more than anything and I am determined to keep that dream. Thank you again for your comment :)

  7. Hi Serge! Or should I say Salut?! I really like how passionate you are towards soccer, it seems like you really know your stuff. I agree that the sport is played for fun and entertainment. It should not have an offensive impact on people watching or the players. I'm excited to read your next posts!

    1. Hey Dan, what`s up yo? Thanks for the comment:) soccer is my life so I hate when it`s not treated right.I agree with you 100%. thank you again for the amazing comment :) love you dawg. peace out familia. stay safe. Dont do anything bad

  8. Hey Serge I see you're back at it again with another post on racism in soccer, do you think people that disturb a match should be dealt with in a legal matter as in do you think it is considered trespassing to run onto the field to disturb the match and do you think people who throw objects should be taken into custody thanks again for the post !

  9. Hey Serge! I like your topic and I know that you love playing soccer which makes it a great idea to blog about. I think you opinion is very clear and I agree that soccer is the sport that brings the whole world together. I wanted to ask you, do you think that racism will eventually come to and end, specifically in soccer? I'm excited to see what you post next, keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Mirna, thanks for the comment. :) It`s true I really love soccer, it`s my whole life literally. To answer your question, I am not sure wether it will end eventually but I really hope that the racism rate goes down at the least and that we hear less stories about it on the news. Thank you again for the comment. I look forward to more comments to come.

  10. Hello Serge. I really like the way you started your blog. I found Dani Alves story to be very sad and touching. The quote you mentioned by Nelson Mandela at the very end of your post goes very well with your topic. I look forward to reading your next post.

    1. Hey Hassan, thanks for the comment and for taking the time to read my blog. It means a lot to me. I agree with you, Dani should not be treated like that, I just think people are so jealous of his success that harassing him is the only thing that makes them feel better. Thanks again for the comment. :)

  11. Hey Daniel.. OH I mean Brian keep looking spicy. In this modern day, fans that run onto the field during games are arrested for tresspassing and are fined for thousands of dollars sometimes. Damn Daniel, back at it again with the cool comments. Thank you for the comment though, it`s been fun.

  12. Hey Serge, great blog choice! I love the game of soccer, and I can't wait to read further and to see what you have to say and your point of view on it. I believe that this subject shows promise and you will have a lot to read about!! Happy blogging.

    1. Hey Anthony, thank you so much for taking some time to read my blog, thank you even more for you comment! I have a lot of fun writing these blogs since it's a subject that I feel really close to. You know what people say, if you're doing something you love to do, you'll never work a day in your life ;) lol. So thanks again for the read and hope you enjoy the rest of my blog.
