Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What Are Soccer Leagues Doing To Stop Racism

Welcome to my second post to my blog. Today I'll be talking about how leagues are trying to stop racism. Many soccer leagues are already doing many things to stop it obviously, as I have witnessed before, many leagues are changing home games to away games because of racial history with one team. All teams also give match officials the permission to end games if circumstances become too dangerous for the players and other fans.

In my opinion, there should be advisories on the back of every ticket you purchase to enter a game saying that if you disturb the match in any way that there will be consequences. 

There are many videos of fans throwing smoke bombs onto fields, they might not hurt anyone necessarily but they can end a match and ruin the fun for everybody. As you can see on TV, the bigger the match is or the more all Stars that are on the field, the more authorities there are, so you can see how much precaution the bigger leagues/teams are taking to make sure their athletes stay safe.

It makes me mad to see people go out of their way to buy tickets to a game just to go and put the players and officials in danger. They are not only ruining the sport for the people in the stadiums but also for most people around the world because like I said, soccer is one of the most popular sports on the planet, known and loved by everyone so we have to preserve our beautiful sport so that even more people will be attracted to it instead of disgusted, if these acts continue on in the future. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Racism In Soccer

Racism In Soccer

Soccer is the sport that brings the whole world together. It brings us so many different types of emotions, happiness, sadness, it can make a good day go bad or a bad day go good. Fans all around the world are so passionate for this amazing sport. Are some fans a little too passionate the they have to bring negative comments about other races into it?

Soccer is a game full of passion but sometimes many fans or even players take it too far. One of many examples of racism is the story of Dani Alves, a player for FC Barcelona, whenever Dani would have possession of the ball all the fans would "Boo". When Alves would set up the ball for a set play, free kick, corner kick, fans would throw bananas onto the field. There were many ways Alves and his teammates responded to this. Dani himself would pick up the bananas and eat them. Neymar Jr, his teammate, started many trends on social medias to fight against. One example is he took a picture of himself and his son eating bananas and posted it for the world to see.                  Dani Alves Story

In my opinion, racism has no place in the beautiful sport of soccer. This sport is here to bring the world together and entertain us. There are many players that are considering on quitting the sport because the area or league they play in is too racist or dangerous. If we want to keep our game alive and so multicultural we have to end the racism. 

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." -Nelson Mandela     Nelson Quote

I have seen this quote so many times and it might be one of my favorites. No one is born racist,they are always taught to be racist. If we taught someone to be racist they can also be taught to love everyone no matter the skin color.